Lunch can be a stinger for your diet when you’re in a rush. Here’s one of the best ways to give yourself a nutrient boost with fast food of the good variety.

Here is the healthiest way to cook chicken breasts without having to suffer through dry tasteless white meat.



Makes three lunches

• 4 medium chicken breasts

• 1 teaspoon of ground cumin

• 2 teaspoons of curry powder

• A pinch of cayenne pepper

• Zest and juice of half a lime

• 2 teaspoons of ground coriander

• 1 can of light coconut milk

• 1 small fresh red chili-chopped

• Salt and pepper to taste



1: Cut chicken into strips. It’s up to you how thick you’d like them. Each breast will give you roughly 27g of muscle-building protein with very limited fat. You’ll also get more than 100% of the B vitamins you need for energy.

2: Mix coconut milk, spices, zest and juice of lime, chili into bowl and mix well. You can marinade the chicken in this mix the night before if you like. Spices like the chili increase your metabolism, while the cumin is an excellent recovery aid.

3: Add a little coconut oil or light spray in a pan on medium heat. Add the mixture to the pan and cook for around 20 minutes. OK so it’s not quite 10 minutes but you’re making three meals here so that keeps the overall meal cook time to less than 10 minutes per meal.

4: Once cooked, serve with rice or rice noodles, sweet potato wedges and some greens for a big blast of nutrients. The rice noodles are low calorie and will help you feel fuller for longer.

5: Add the leftovers to a tub with some of the above sides and you now have your lunches for the next three days. Considering the overall cook time, you’ll still be ahead of your time goals for the rest of the week’s lunches.


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